Client Impact

100% of clients report that the Shine360 was “more valuable than most other professional development experiences” or their “most valuable professional development experience.”

What Clients Are Saying


“The Shine360 was a real turning point for me in my leadership. I’m not sure I’d still be in my role this year without it.”


“I’ve done several different 360s and this was by far the best tool I’ve ever used. It was clear and concise and gave me the top strengths and top things to work on.”

“The Shine360 was incredibly helpful in getting out of the whirlwind and taking a bigger look at how I’m doing.”

“Reading the report was really powerful. It affirmed a lot of what I knew already and put new pieces together. I’m looking forward to discussing it further and using it in my planning for next year.”


“You were really able to draw out the important trends and bring them to life. It felt so oomph-y.”

“The most powerful piece of the Shine360 was the way it consolidated and streamlined the feedback to help me see the most powerful/important elements.”

“The coaching session was invaluable. It helped me process and recognize everything I’m doing well.”


The Shine360 was also featured as a key component of the Big Shoulders Fund’s Sullivan Fellowship for school leaders in Chicago.


Shine360 has been recognized by vChief as an invaluable tool for collecting feedback. 


“Leadership can be lonely, as you often don’t have peers in your level to work through challenges with. Despite being phenomenal leaders, what is often lacking is the clarity and feedback on how to get better...

Shine360 can help a leader take themselves to the next level.”